Stephanie I. Blum – Named to Los Angeles Magazine’s List of 2016 Top Women Attorneys in Southern California
Reuben Raucher & Blum is pleased to announce that Stephanie I. Blum has been named by Los Angeles Magazine as one of 2016’s Top Women Attorneys in Southern California.
Public Counsel’s 2016 William O. Douglas Award Dinner
On June 30, 2016, the attorneys from Reuben Raucher & Blum attended and supported Public Counsel’s 2016 William O. Douglas Award Dinner. This year, the William O. Douglas Award was presented to public interest lawyer and social justice activist Bryan Stevenson. RRB founder Timothy D. Reuben is proud to serve on the Board of Directors for Public Counsel, the nation’s largest pro bono law firm.
People’s “Abuse Allegations and What’s Next in Johnny Depp and Amber Heard’s Divorce: All Your Questions Answered” Article
Reuben Raucher & Blum Certified Family Law Specialist Stephanie I. Blum is quoted twice in People magazine regarding Johnny Depp’s pending divorce and the domestic violence allegations against him. Asked whether the abuse claims have an impact on divorce proceedings, Stephanie says, “So, if [Heard] is looking for [Depp] to pay her spousal support or pay her legal fees, making these allegations too would allow her to have those requests decided on by the court within weeks.” As far as Johnny Depp facing criminal charges goes, Stephanie says, “It is rare for the D.A. to file criminal charges in a domestic violence case when the police do not arrest the alleged perpetrator.”
Timothy Reuben Quoted in LA Daily Journal Article on Anti-SLAPP Case
On February 22, 2016, Timothy Reuben was quoted in an article in the Los Angeles Daily Journal article entitled “Judge Stands By Ruling That Cites Appellate Court Dissent.” Mr. Reuben was asked for his comment on a trial court opinion dismissing a shareholder derivative lawsuit against corporate counsel under the Anti-SLAPP statute. Mr. Reuben commented that, “For anti-SLAPP purposes — to prevent chilling – shouldn’t the court look into the true initiator of the lawsuit, which is not the corporation itself but the plaintiff?”
Harriett Buhai’s Century Campaign 2016
On February 5, 2016, the Harriett Buhai Center for Family Law presented RRB with a “Certificate of Tribute” for its support for Harriett Buhai’s Century Campaign 2016. Harriet Buhai is committed to stopping domestic violence, improving the welfare of poor children, and assuring equal justice in the family courts.
RRB’s Super Lawyers 2016
Reuben Raucher & Blum attorneys Timothy D. Reuben, Stephen L. Raucher, and Stephanie I. Blum are named as Southern California “Super Lawyers” for the 2016 edition of Southern California Super Lawyers magazine.
Pro Bono Victory for RRB
On December 11, 2015, RRB attorneys secured a loan modification and assumption in favor of a pro bono client who had been threatened with foreclosure after the death of his wife. The client was referred to the firm by Public Counsel after the loan servicing company had refused to approve his assumption of the mortgage, despite a court order from the Probate Court. In successfully representing the client, not only was the assumption finally approved, but the loan was restructured with a significant amount to be forgiven. Reuben Raucher & Blum works with several non-profits in providing pro bono services, including Public Counsel – the largest pro bono law firm in the nation.
Stephanie I. Blum – Named to Los Angeles Magazine’s List of 2015 Top Women Attorneys in Southern California
Reuben Raucher & Blum is pleased to announce that Stephanie I. Blum has been named by Los Angeles Magazine as one of 2015’s Top Women Attorneys in Southern California.
Public Counsel’s 2015 William O. Douglas Award Dinner
On June 17, 2015, the attorneys from Reuben Raucher & Blum attended and supported Public Counsel’s 2015 William O. Douglas Award Dinner. This year, the William O. Douglas Award was presented to civil rights legend and co-founder of the United Farmwworkers Union, Dolores Huerta. RRB founder Timothy D. Reuben is proud to serve on the Board of Directors for Public Counsel, the nation’s largest pro bono law firm.
Stephanie Blum’s Guest Appearance on Bloomberg’s Law Podcast
On April 6, 2015, Stephanie was featured as a guest on Bloomberg’s Law Podcast radio show to speak on the topic of using Facebook to serve divorce papers. Please click on this link to listen to the podcast.
Stephen Raucher – Quoted in LA Daily Journal Article called ABTL Adopts Civility Guide
On March 20, 2015, Stephen Raucher was quoted in an article in the Los Angeles Daily Journal, entitled “ABTL Adopts Civility Guide.” Mr. Raucher was asked for his comment on the new guidelines, which involve ethics, professionalism, and civility, and address e-discovery and an ombudsman civility program.
Timothy Reuben, Stephen Raucher, and Gregory Barchie are now all members of the Building Owners and Managers Association Greater Los Angeles, a non-profit organization serving the advocacy, education and networking needs of commercial real estate professionals in the Greater Los Angeles area.
Timothy Reuben – A Member of the California Receivers Forum
Timothy Reuben is now a member of the California Receivers Forum, a statewide organization created to promote professionalism and the ethical administration of receivership practice by providing educational programs and materials; promoting the exchange of information and discussion of issues of importance to members and to the Courts; disseminating useful and instructive articles and ideas; and when appropriate, making recommendations concerning legislation relevant to receivership practice.
RRB Serves as Platinum Sponsor for RHF’s 54th Annual Awards Celebration
RRB was a Platinum Sponsor at Retirement Housing Foundation’s 54th Annual Awards Celebration, which took place on February 27, 2015. Our support helps provide dignified, affordable, quality housing and services to seniors, low-income families and people with disabilities.