On February 22, 2016, Timothy Reuben was quoted in an article in the Los Angeles Daily Journal article entitled “Judge Stands By Ruling That Cites Appellate Court Dissent.” Mr. Reuben was asked for his comment on a trial court opinion dismissing a shareholder derivative lawsuit against corporate counsel under the Anti-SLAPP statute. Mr. Reuben commented that, “For anti-SLAPP purposes — to prevent chilling – shouldn’t the court look into the true initiator of the lawsuit, which is not the corporation itself but the plaintiff?”
Monthly Archives: February 2016
Second Annual Update on Developments in Insurance
On Tuesday, February 9, 2016, Stephen Raucher was one of the panelists presenting a continuing legal education program entitled “Second Annual Update on Developments in Insurance.” The program examined the most important new cases from 2015 regarding insurance coverage and bad faith, focusing particularly on liability and property policies.
Harriett Buhai’s Century Campaign 2016
On February 5, 2016, the Harriett Buhai Center for Family Law presented RRB with a “Certificate of Tribute” for its support for Harriett Buhai’s Century Campaign 2016. Harriet Buhai is committed to stopping domestic violence, improving the welfare of poor children, and assuring equal justice in the family courts.