Public Counsel’s 2014 William O. Douglas Award Dinner

On June 19, 2014, the attorneys from Reuben Raucher & Blum attended and supported Public Counsel’s 2014 William O. Douglas Award Dinner.  This year, the William O. Douglas Award was presented to Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.  RRB founder Timothy D. Reuben is proud to serve on the Board of Directors for Public Counsel, the nation’s largest pro bono law firm.

5th Annual Disney Hall Concert Extraordinaire

On June 14, 2014, RRB’s Ashley J. Brick and her fellow performers of the Los Angeles Lawyers Philharmonic and Legal Voices performed their 5th Annual Disney Hall Concert Extraordinaire under the baton of founder-conductor Gary S. Greene, Esq. RRB supported Ashley, the musical organization, and its charitable cause.  25% of net ticket proceeds was donated to the LA County Bar Association and Beverly Hills Bar Association foundations to help those who cannot afford legal services. Another 25% was donated to the LA Lawyers Philharmonic.

Movie Madness: Cross-Examination Hollywood Style!

On Thursday, June 5, 2014, Timothy D. Reuben chaired a BHBA Inn of Court panel presentation,”Movie Madness: Cross-Examination Hollywood Style!” at Westside Tavern in Brentwood.  Attendees learned what the movies could teach about practical cross-examination techniques, with commentary from Mr. Reuben and fellow panelists and experienced practitioners, Gregory P. Barchie, Howard S. Fredman and Judge Patricia Collins.

BHBA’s 60th Annual Supreme Court Luncheon

Reuben Raucher & Blum was proud to support the Beverly Hills Bar Association’s 60th Annual Supreme Court Luncheon, welcoming the justices of the California Supreme Court on June 3, 2014.  This year’s featured speaker was recently retired Justice Joyce Kennard.  Proceeds from the luncheon support the Law Student Scholarship Program of the Beverly Hills Bar Foundation.  RRB attorney Stephen L. Raucher serves on the Board of Directors for the Foundation.

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